Jumat, 02 November 2012

Journal of Banking Regulation

  1. NIFA-II or ‘Bretton Woods-II’?: The G-20 (Leaders) summit process on managing global financial markets and the world economy – quo vadis? , download here
  2. The myth of too big to fail,  download here
  3. Failing prompt corrective action,  download here
  4. The promptness of European Deposit Protection Schemes to face banking failures,  download here
  5. Proposals for reforming deposit guarantee schemes in Europe,  download here
  6. A simulation study on the impact of correlation between LGD and EAD on loss calculation when different LGD definitions are considered,  download here
  7. Shattered on the Rock? British financial stability from 1866 to 2007,  download here
  8. Bank bailout mark II: Will it work?,  download here
  9. Profit-sharing investment accounts in Islamic banks: Regulatory problems and possible solutions, download here
  10. Stress tests and their contribution to financial stability, download here

Journal of Asset Management

  1. A demystification of the Black-Littleman model: Managing Quantitative and Traditional Portfolio Construction, download here
  2. Cross-country and intertemporal indexes of risk aversion, download here
  3. Asset allocation vs security selection: Evidence from global markets, download here
  4. An alternative route to performance hypothesis testing, download here
  5. Countries versus industries in Europe: A normative portfolio approach, download here
  6. Mean variance versus full-scale optimisation: In and out of sample, download here